Government Services
Services Australia

The Jerramungup Community Resource Centre is an Access Point for CentreLink, Child Support and Medicare Australia.
The self service includes an available telephone, computer and facsimile to set up myGov, report, lodge claims, upload documents and contact Services Australia.
The staff at the CRC are unable to make any payments or decisions about payments, review or assess payments, and complete or submit claims on your behalf.
This is a FREE service.

South Regional Tafe

South regional Tafe delivers high quality accredited education and training which the CRC liaise with.
We aim to offer many courses to meet everyone’s needs. By partnering with Tafe we aim to develop the communities work force, to keep everyone updated on their skills and qualifications.
If you have any courses you are interested in coming to Jerramungup, please get in contact with us to register your interest.

Water Corporation

Each year the Jerramungup CRC participates in the Shower Swap Program with Water Corporation.
This programs initiative is to reduce water consumption by allowing the community to swap two inefficient fixtures with a water-efficient showerhead that only uses 7.5L per minute.
This FREE exchange is available at the Jerramungup CRC.

Empowering Communities

The Empowering Communities Program aims to deliver services that are universal and available to all Western Australians.
​From the 5 outcome areas that guide the Department of Communities, this program seeks to contribute to two of these: empower people, and create inclusive and accessible communities.
As a service provider we will be contributing towards the achievement of the following service level outcomes:
· People have social connections with their community;
· People participate in their local communities;
· People learn new skills and knowledge;
· People contribute to their communities; and
· People feel safe in their communities.