Jerramungup Community Resource Centre INC
Enhancing the Quality of Life
Founded by the community in 2000, the Jerramungup Telecentre quickly became a community hub for socialising and learning. Between 2000 and 2010, the Telecentre moved into our current location, the Cameron Business Centre, and amalgamated with the Jerramungup Public Library.
In 2010 all Telecentres in Western Australia were rebranded as Community Resource Centres. The West Australian Community Resource Centre network is comprised of over 100 regional and remote centres. Each centre is a not for profit organisation that is independently owned and operated by their local community.
The CRC network provides access to government and community services and information, and undertake community, business and economic development activities.
The Jerramungup CRC, as with all CRCs, is primarily supported by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. The Jerramungup CRC is also funded and supported by the Department of Communities and the Shire of Jerramungup, in addition to the Australian Government Departments of Human Services and Social Services.
Strategic Plan
To be the central hub of the Jerramungup community, providing sound technological and educational support for all.
Through provision of advanced technology and above-standard facilities, Our CRC will "bridge the gap"between the Jerramungup community and the opportunities available to our members.
Respect; Honesty; Inclusivity; Diversity; Efficiency; Open communication; Excellent customer serivice; Welcoming and Friendly
Partners of the Jerramungup Community Resource Centre
The Jerramungup CRC are proud to work in partnership with the following