Our Services
We offer a wide range of services sure to meet everyone's needs. These services include:
Public Library
Tourist Information
Events and support for young families
Technology and Business Services
Internet Access
Services Australia Access Point
Meeting Rooms for Hire
Video Conferencing
Equipment Hire
Training Programs and Courses
General Programs and Services
Room Hire
Available at the Jerramungup Community Resources Centre are rooms for hire. Please contact the CRC for more information and booking forms on 9835 1630 or email reception@jerramungupcrc.com.au
Empowering Communities
The Empowering Communities Program aims to deliver services that are universal and available to all Western Australians.
From the 5 outcome areas that guide the Department of Communities, this program seeks to contribute to two of these: empower people, and create inclusive and accessible communities.
As a service provider we will be contributing towards the achievement of the following service level outcomes:
· People have social connections with their community;
· People participate in their local communities;
· People learn new skills and knowledge;
· People contribute to their communities; and
· People feel safe in their communities.
The Community Engagement Officer working with the Department of Communities is committed to empowering communities to be connected and an inclusive place where people feel they belong, are valued and contribute to their community. The Jerramungup Community Resource Centre holds many events throughout the year with the focus of empowering the community.
Watch the Journal and our Facebook page for more details as they arise